Monday, October 5, 2009
Here come the mopping Dog
Dog Training Guide, All You Ever Need To Know To House, Potty And Obedience Train Your Dog Or Puppy at Training Guide that you have to know
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Things We Can Learn From A Dog
Run, romp, and play daily. Be loyal,
Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent,
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
don't buy into the guilt thing and pout.
Run right back and make friends.
(Picture taken from some other website)
How to train your dog, and what is Fastest Way To Train Your Dog ?
JoJo the Furball
It's a cloth, it's a FURBALL!!! No it's a dog and she's Jojo! =D
Jojo is a Bichon Frise. She will be turning 9 on her doggy birthday, 8th November.
This blog will be all about her! You will realise she does more than bark, eat and sleep!
Jojo goes for grooming every 6 to 8 months. Before her grooming she looks like this=D:
And after her grooming she looks like this:
There is such a big difference some people think they are different dogs altogether! And it is just me or does she look happier when she has more fur? 0.o
So how to groom your dog or puppy at home, you can try this simple and easy grooming steps that will really help you create a Loving Bond with your dog or puppy, now try it on your dog or puppy grooming at home
The things Jojo loves the most!!
You might think that all dogs will ever love are bones and balls. But you're wrong!
There is something Jojo loves more than the average boring toy bones and balls. And it is...(insert random drumroll) HER CLOTH!
Okay you might be thinking this is all reatarded. I have no idea why she likes the cloth so much either but she just does. Maybe it keeps her warm when she is 'furless'. Anyways she loves it alot and when someone so much as pull it she will go nuts. She will be in frenzy mode and fight it from you!
FOOD. Jojo simply loves food. As if she LIVES TO EAT.
What are the complete dog or puppy food that give your dog or puppy and really good nutrition then you got to try this best nutrition guide
Whenever any form of food is being consumed in the house, Jojo will start whining and giving cute stares. If she could speak(which she thankfully can't!), she would be screaming,"GIMME THE FOOD!!!"
This is how jojo beg for food when she was 2 months old!!
However, despite her continuous begging, we do not offer her our food. Human food is, afterall, unfit and unhealthy for dogs.
The healthy food for your dog or puppy is the best homemade receipt, know how to feed your dog or puppy, try the best homemade receipt for your dog or puppy, they will simply love for sure.
But Jojo has her own collection of dog treats! Whenever she performs a trick like 'give me your paw', she will be rewarded with a treat! I suppose this is the only reason she performs tricks.
How to Bath Your Dog
1. Get all your materials together before you start. Try not to let your dog in on what's going on or he/she may suddenly turn invisible.
2. Step 2
If it's the first time for your dog or puppy to have a bath, make it into a fun game with treats and a cheerful voice. Maybe you can con the little critter into believing this is fun. If you can, baths are likely to be easier in the future.
3. Step 3
It's a good idea to put cotton with a little Vaseline on it into the ears before washing to keep water out. Don't push the cotton in deeply.
4. Step 4
Use a gentle soap that is appropriate for your dog's kind of coat. You will probably want to use a conditioner for a longer-haired dog. It's optional for shorter coats.
5. Step 5
You can wash your dog in a tub outdoors or the sink depending on both dog and sink size. You can even buy dog sinks and tubs for installing in grooming areas. Some people opt for just using a hose outdoors. Much will depend on how agreeable your dog is to being bathed and what fits into your home and lifestyle.
6. Step 6
Pay special attention to feet, anal area, and under parts. With a longer-haired dog, trim off mats before bathing. Just behind the back of the ears and the upper, inside part of the legs where they join the torso are common places for mats to form.
7. Step 7
As soon as your pup is out the bath, RUN! Or expect to get wet as all fur is furiously shaken and water is distributed everywhere.
8. Step 8
Use a big fluffy towel to dry off your pup. If the weather is cold or you have a long-haired dog you might want to use a hair dryer. There are doggie driers built especially for this purpose. Whether you use your own dryer or one for dogs, get your dog used to the sound before trying to blow him/her dry. Many dogs will not like it so they will have to be acclimated slowly.
9. Step 9
Brush loose hair out when your dog is dry and give lots of attention, treats and play so the memory of a bath remains a positive one for your pet. Maybe if the experience is a good one, you'll both survive the next bath, too.
Things You'll Need:
• dog shampoo
• towel
• cotton and Vaseline
• optional tub
• warm water
• wear clothes you won't mind getting wet!
• Dog brush
• Optional dryer
How to protect your dog or puppy from Fleas. Fleas are more than just a Nuisance - They make your dogs or puppy and even cats miserable, they bite you and your children. and how to protect your dog and puppy from Fleas, here i can show you how to get those Fleas off your pets, and out of your Life, try it, it help me.
(Picture & articles taken from some other website)
How to protect your dog or puppy from Fleas. Fleas are more than just a Nuisance - They make your dogs or puppy and even cats miserable, they bite you and your children. and how to protect your dog and puppy from Fleas, here i can show you how to get those Fleas off your pets, and out of your Life, try it, it help me.
(Picture & articles taken from some other website)
Monday, September 7, 2009
Caring for Your Dog
Your dog gives you a lifetime of unconditional love, loyalty, and friendship. In return, she counts on you to provide her with food, water, safe shelter, regular veterinary care, exercise, companionship, and more. Take care of these ten essentials, and you'll be guaranteed to develop a rewarding relationship with your canine companion
Choosing the best and right dog or puppy for your kids. This can help for parents choosing a dog or puppy for their children, the top 10 breed for families, 5 step to choosing the right and best dog or puppy and many more.
Choosing the best and right dog or puppy for your kids. This can help for parents choosing a dog or puppy for their children, the top 10 breed for families, 5 step to choosing the right and best dog or puppy and many more.
How to take care of your Dog
Feeding- Most dogs need to be fed once or twice a day depending on the dog ask your veterinarian to find out how many times. Make sure it’s the same amount of food at the same time(s) each day. Make sure their water bowl is always full with clean fresh water. Do not overfeed or give them sweets (like chocolate) which could cause serious problems even death or dairy products, which is hard for them to digest.
Grooming- Most dogs need to be groomed at least twice a week, depending on your dogs coat type. Brushing your dog helps its coat stay healthy, mat free, and odorless.
Ears- All dogs need their ears cleaned. Depending on the dog, you might have to clean them daily or weekly. Cleaning dogs' ears are very simple, and this is what you will need:
Baby oil
First wet the Q-tip with baby oil. Go into the dog's ear and wipe the ear out thoroughly, you can use as many as needed. Then take the cotton ball and put baby oil on that. Stick the cotton ball in the ear and twist it inside the ear to clean it, and that’s it, your done!
Blue Powder Ear Treatment
1 16oz bottle of rubbing alcohol (pour off an inch to make room
4 Tbs of Boric Acid Powder (its also at th pharmacy-cheap too)
Mix all ingredients together. Shake the bottle really well and fill the ear canals once a day. Let the dog shake the excess out. Its really best if you do this out side because the gentian violet can stain.
Dog ear yeast infections are increasingly and re-occuring may cause the dogs affected a lots of pain and discomfort, and not to mention the financial cost of repetitive Vet visits for the Owners. Now try this Natural and Safe, No more Vets Or Chemicals Just All Natural And Safe.
Dog ear yeast infections are increasingly and re-occuring may cause the dogs affected a lots of pain and discomfort, and not to mention the financial cost of repetitive Vet visits for the Owners. Now try this Natural and Safe, No more Vets Or Chemicals Just All Natural And Safe.

Now Cancel is the No. 1 killer of all Dogs and in 3 out of 1 gets Cancer, take care of your dog or puppy and annual check-up is necessary. Remember Cancel is the No. 1 Killer.

Chewing- All dogs need to chew. If you don’t provide them with some thing to chew on they will find something. There are a lot of things a dog can chew on like a squeaky toy, nylon bone, or rawhide. The only problem with rawhide is that some dogs can not process it and it is not good for the intestines.
Heal your dog Naturally. At Last, there is a Book that reveals the underlying causes of your dog's health problems that your Vet doesn't even know about so that your pet can live a longer, healthier and happier life.
Heal your dog Naturally. At Last, there is a Book that reveals the underlying causes of your dog's health problems that your Vet doesn't even know about so that your pet can live a longer, healthier and happier life.
Walking- When taking your dog out keep him on a routine. Dogs tend to learn how to housebreak faster and
have a tendency to make less mistakes in the house.
(Picture & articlars taken from some other website)
Do It Yourself-Complete Dog Training Program. Find out more at Dog Traning Program
have a tendency to make less mistakes in the house.
(Picture & articlars taken from some other website)
Do It Yourself-Complete Dog Training Program. Find out more at Dog Traning Program
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