1. Get all your materials together before you start. Try not to let your dog in on what's going on or he/she may suddenly turn invisible.
If it's the first time for your dog or puppy to have a bath, make it into a fun game with treats and a cheerful voice. Maybe you can con the little critter into believing this is fun. If you can, baths are likely to be easier in the future.
3. Step 3
It's a good idea to put cotton with a little Vaseline on it into the ears before washing to keep water out. Don't push the cotton in deeply.
4. Step 4
Use a gentle soap that is appropriate for your dog's kind of coat. You will probably want to use a conditioner for a longer-haired dog. It's optional for shorter coats.
5. Step 5
You can wash your dog in a tub outdoors or the sink depending on both dog and sink size. You can even buy dog sinks and tubs for installing in grooming areas. Some people opt for just using a hose outdoors. Much will depend on how agreeable your dog is to being bathed and what fits into your home and lifestyle.
6. Step 6
Pay special attention to feet, anal area, and under parts. With a longer-haired dog, trim off mats before bathing. Just behind the back of the ears and the upper, inside part of the legs where they join the torso are common places for mats to form.
7. Step 7
As soon as your pup is out the bath, RUN! Or expect to get wet as all fur is furiously shaken and water is distributed everywhere.
8. Step 8
Use a big fluffy towel to dry off your pup. If the weather is cold or you have a long-haired dog you might want to use a hair dryer. There are doggie driers built especially for this purpose. Whether you use your own dryer or one for dogs, get your dog used to the sound before trying to blow him/her dry. Many dogs will not like it so they will have to be acclimated slowly.
9. Step 9
Brush loose hair out when your dog is dry and give lots of attention, treats and play so the memory of a bath remains a positive one for your pet. Maybe if the experience is a good one, you'll both survive the next bath, too.
Things You'll Need:
• dog shampoo

• optional conditioner for dogs
• wear clothes you won't mind getting wet!
• Optional dryer
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(Picture & articles taken from some other website)